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Toolkit Card Pack (English)

The Collaborative Place Futures Toolkit, enables anyone to get involved in collectively defining and designing places for tomorrow.

We’ve drawn together tools from filmmaking, trends forecasting, service design, community engagement and meditation to enable you to bring futures and foresight practices, greater empathy and creativity into the way you think about places.

The card pack features 30 accessible, adapted versions of exercises drawn from the original Collaborative Place Futures Toolkit.

£ 25.00 GBP
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Toolkit Card Pack (Spanish)

Futuros Colaborativos: Diseñando Lugares Juntos permite que cualquier persona se involucre en la definición y en el diseño colectivo de lugares del mañana.

Hemos reunido herramientas que van desde la cinematografía, la previsión de tendencias, el diseño de servicios, la participación comunitaria y la meditación para que puedas incorporar prácticas de futuros y prospectiva y generar mayor empatía y creatividad en la forma en que piensas sobre los lugares.

El paquete de cartas incluye 30 herramientas accesibles y adaptadas de ejercicios extraídos del Toolkit original de Futuros Colaborativos.

£ 25.00 GBP
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Toolkit Card Pack (Italian)

Il Collaborative Place Futures Toolkit consente a chiunque di partecipare alla definizione e alla progettazione collettiva dei luoghi di domani.

Abbiamo riunito strumenti tratti dal cinema, dalla previsione delle tendenze, dal design dei servizi, dal coinvolgimento della comunità e dalla meditazione per consentirvi di introdurre pratiche di previsione e di futuro, maggiore empatia e creatività nel vostro modo di pensare ai luoghi.

Il pacchetto di carte contiene 30 versioni accessibili e adattate di esercizi tratti dal Collaborative Place Futures Toolkit originale.

£ 25.00 GBP
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Natural Futures Book

A 300 page publication examining the evolving relationship between our human spaces and the natural world. 

Each of the 6 chapters of this work draws extensively on our expertise and experience as placemakers, reflecting the challenges we face and the positive projects emerging worldwide to address them. The book features case studies and contributions from the world’s leading natural thinkers and we take you on a journey through discourses around our existing knowledge systems, down to the most tangible suggestions of small steps we can take towards a more natural future.

£ 28.00 GBP
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